CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Red band shoulder prep (No Measure)
Banded Pullaparts Overhead
Banded pullaparts to chest
Banded pass throughs
Banded strict Press
Banded lat side stretch
Snatch Warm Up (No Measure)
w/barbell (or PVC for beginner athletes):
10 Bent Over Row
10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 High Pulls
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
5 Behind the Neck Press
5 Snatch Balance (1/4 Squat Catch)
5 Snatch Drops
5 Sotts Press
Snatch (EMOM, building to 1 snatch at 80-85% – no misses)
Min 1-3: 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance, building
Min 4-6 : 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch, Building toward 70% Min 7-8: 1 Snatch 70-80%,
Min 9-10: 1 Snatch 80-85%
For those without a max, each rep should be manageable and no misses.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
6 Minute AMRAP
50ft Plate Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25#)
50ft Farmer Carry (50/35# DBs or KBs)
12 Weighted Situps (25/15# plate)
Rx+ Double DB or KB OH Lunges (50/35#)