CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Warm-up (No Measure)
3x each: 20 Seconds on, 20 second rest, increase speed of movements each round: Lunge Steps, Med Ball Squat Cleans, Plate Hops (hop on and off 10-15lb plate)
15 Banded Pullaparts
15 Banded Strict Press
15 Banded PassThroughs
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 Minute AMRAP
3 Weighted Step Ups Each Leg
6 PushUps
9 Box Jumps or Plate Jumps
250 meter row
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon (Time)
1 Round for Time:
3 Weighted Step Ups Each Leg
6 Pushups
9 Box Jumps or Plate Jumps
250m Row
Metcon (No Measure)
5 Minutes for Quality
30 Second Plank
30 Cherry Pickers
30 Fire Hydrants (15 Each side)
30 Straight leg Situps
30 Second Superman Hold