CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
DB Warm Up (No Measure)
10 Single Leg RDL each
5 DB half kneeling press each (hold db in opposite hand than forward knee)
10 DB High Pull Each arm
10 Lateral Lunges holding DB
10 Calories of choice
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2-3:
100 Calorie Row
100 DB Shoulder to Overhead
100 PushUps
100 Plate Ground to Overhead
20 Minute CAP. 70 Reps of each to modify.
1 person working at a time
Metcon (No Measure)
3x of each
8-12 each side 1 Arm DB Rows (hand/knee on bench)
8-12 Banded (PVC) Lat Pulldowns
30 Second Ring Plank Holds (feet on box or bench for advanced)