MONDAY July 31, 2017

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

400M Jog

Bent Over IYT Holds :20 each

Squat Hold :30

Inverted Toe Touch x5 each

IYT Reps x10 each

Squat Hold & Internal Rotation x5 each side

Leg Swings x10 each

KB on Knee Ankle Mobility :45 each side


Back Squat (2×5, 2×3, 3×1)

Athletes may increase weight each set. Warm up to 90% with 2 sets of 5 and 2 sets of 3, then start the singles at 90%. The 3×1 is E2M


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

10 Min EMOM

-25 Double Unders + Max Effort Unbroken Toes to Bar
Score is total reps. Scale 50 Singles/K2E

Cool Down

Box Pigeon 1 min per side

Downward dog foot pedal (calf stretch) 25 each side

Extra Credit


Romanian Deadlift (RDL + Bent Over Row 3×8)

+ Heavy Low Band Row

Categories: WOD

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