FRIDAY September 27, 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds:

10 Alternating Leg V-Ups

5 push up to downward dog

5 beat swings

3 strict or kipping pull ups

3 Feet assisted Dips


Strict Pullups + Dips

10 Min EMOM, alternate Minutes

Int 1: 3-5 Reps of most difficult variety – Strict, Strict C2B, Weighted. Int 2: 3-5 Dips -Bar, Ring or weighted Ring. Pick a number that’s sustainable for all 5 sets of each

Add 1-2 Reps of each or go to a heavier weight from 9/10

STRICT Pull-Ups (Record Here)

Ring Dips (Record here)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 Minute AMRAP:

Row, Ski or Bike 15/12 Cals

10 Toes to Bar

Row Ski or Bike 15/12 Cals same machine

5 Bar Muscle Ups (Modified BMU or 2x C2B as scale)

Categories: WOD