CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Glute Prep (No Measure)
With a small band under knees:
Forward walk (knees out 1/4 squat)
Backward Walk
Side step left
Side step right
15 Squats
Then without Band:
Monster Walks
Walking Pigeon
Spiderman Lunge
Walking Quad Stretch
30 Toe Reach Crunch
Front Squat (3-2-1 wave E2M)
3@85%, 2@90%, 1@92.5%
3@90%, 2@92.5%, 1@95%
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds
1 full Snatch (115/80#)
3 Chest to Bar
5 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Rx+ 155/105#, 2 BMU for C2B