CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


One sided Warm Up (No Measure)

3x – Single KB

50 ft OH Single Arm Carry Left arm

10 Russian twists

5 KB Strict or Push press each arm

50ft OH Single Arm Carry Right arm

15 Goblet Squats

10 KB High Pull Each


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Minute AMRAP:

10 DBL KB/DB Shoulder to Overhead

50ft plate push (45#)

300m Row Ski or 1km Bike

Rest 1 Min after each round


Metcon (Weight)

10 Minute AMRAP for quality:

7 Shoot throughs

8 Dbl KB FRONT Rack Step Ups

7 Slam Ball Overhead Toss

Categories: WOD

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