CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Hamstrings & Shoulders (No Measure)

20 Alternating Foot Pedals

10 DownDog to Pushup

10 Deep Lunge (keep hands planted, alternate legs)

10 2-point Squats

10 Hands Only inchworms – reach out beyond shoulders

10 Side Plank with Reach through

10 Standing cross body reach

10 Hands overhead Shrug and release

10 Leg swings each way

Metcon (Distance)

Choose Row, Bike or Ski

12x 1 minute for max meters, rest 1:30

**Rest 5 Minutes**
Score is max meters

Metcon (Time)

27-21-15-9 reps, for time of:


Dumbbell Snatch – Alternating

Categories: WOD

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