WEDNESDAY July 24, 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Jog 400m

Banded Lateral Walks

Banded Forward/backward walks

Banded Diagonal Steps

Banded Air Squats

Then without Band:

10 Squat w/Overhead Reach

10 Cat/Cow

10 Deep Lunges with t-spine opener

Rack Mobility


Alternating EMOM x 12 (6 Rounds):

Odd Minutes – 3 Front Squats

Even Minutes – 6 Back Squats

Working weight today is at 65% of our 1RM Front Squat, for both squats. We’ll be looking to build over the next few weeks in load. Look to squat efficiently looking for perfection and speed in both movements.

Front Squat (Record Front Squat number here)

Back Squat (Record Back Squat number here)


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Every 6 Minutes for 3 Rounds

Run 800m

20 WallBalls (20/14#)

AMRAP Strict Pullups in remainder
*No Rest between Rounds

**record number of Strict Pullups

***Modify Run length after round 1 if you do not get to pull-ups.

Categories: WOD

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