TUESDAY September 24, 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


200m Run,

5 Inchworm to Pushup

10 Slam Ball to Shoulder,

R1:3, R2:2, R3:1 Wall Climbs


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM x 30

Int: 1: 5 TNG Power Snatch

Int 2: 10 Lateral Burpees over Bar

Int 3: HS Walk 25ft

Int 4: Row, Ski or Bike Max Cals

Int 5: Rest
*Athlete choice on weight for snatches

**Sub for HS Walk: HS Hold 30 sec or Shoulder taps

Cool Down

Slow bike 10 Min or Jog

Categories: WOD

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