CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 500m

Dynamic Warmup

Hip Hinge Hamstring Stretch

Walking Quad stretch

Walking Pigeon

Monster Walks

Scorpions 5x each side


Deadlift (3@70%, 3@80%, 3+ @90%)

Wendler Cycle week 2. Take 90% of 1RM then calculate percentages based off that number (your working max). Last set is max effort (as many reps as possible without putting the bar down). Athletes, please calculate numbers in advance!


Metcon (Time)

Bike .6 miles or Run 400m

50 Goblet Squats (24/16kg)

50 Situps

50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

50 Burpees Over the Dumbbell

Bike .6 miles or Run 400m

20 min cap

Categories: WOD

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