WEDNESDAY November 22, 2017

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit

Reminder there is a WOD at 4:30pm & 5:30pm only tonight. There will be NO Velocity today.


Red band shoulder prep (No Measure)

Banded Pullaparts Overhead

Banded pullaparts to chest

Banded pass throughs

Banded strict Press

Banded lat side stretch

Glute Prep (No Measure)

With a small band under knees:

Forward walk (knees out 1/4 squat)

Backward Walk

Side step left

Side step right

15 Squats

Then without Band:

Walking Pigeon

Spiderman Lunge

Walking Quad Stretch


Pigeon on box.


Front Squat (EMOM – 10×4 (~70%))


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

18 Shoulder-2-OH (95/65)

12 Ring Dips

6 Strict HSPU

Extra Credit

Warm-up (No Measure)



Barbell Bicep Curls x10-15

Reverse Grip Inverted Row x10

Categories: WOD

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