CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Red band shoulder prep (No Measure)
10-15 reps of Each
Banded Pullaparts Overhead
Banded Pullaparts to Chest
Banded Pass Throughs
Banded Strict Press
Banded lat side stretch
Banded High Pulls
Banded RDLs
STRICT Pull-Ups (10 min EMOM)
Add one rep each minute to last week if possible. If not same as last week.
Using 30% of max reps from previous recent max effort sets, 10 min EMOM: StrictPullup and Dip Reps to be completed within each minute
Dips (10 Min EMOM)
Add one rep each minute to last week if possible. If not same as last week.
Using 30% of max reps from previous recent max effort sets, 10 min EMOM: StrictPullup and Dip Reps to be completed within each minute
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
3 Minute AMRAP, Rest 2 Minutes 4 Rounds
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees to Target
AMRAP Calorie Row or Bike
Score Calories ONLY
*Rx+ 15 TTB, 15 Burpees