WEDNESDAY May 24, 2017

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Glutes and Shoulders (No Measure)

Mini Band on Ankles

– Mini-Band Side Step x15 each foot

– Plate Wheel Rotations x10 each way

– Mini-Band Forward Diagonal Step x15 each foot

– Plate ABC’s

– Mini-Band Backward Diagonal Step

x15 each foot

– Wall Press x10


Front Squat (15@55%, 15@60%, 15@65% R:90)


400m Run TTB WOD (Time)

15 Min Cap

400m Run

10 TTB

400m Run

15 TTB

400m Run

20 TTB

400m Run

25 TTB
If you do not finish within the time cap, left over reps are equal to one second and added to 15 min. Example, if you had 25 ttb left, your score is 15:25. Run counts as 40 reps


30 seconds each side/position:

Low Lunge

(repeat sequence on opposite side of the body)

Calf Stretch

Downward Dog

Seated Toe Touch Stretch

Quad Stretch (laying)

Standing Full Body Stretch

Downward Dog


Extra Credit

Bent Over Row (3×8)

Bulgarian Split Squat (3x6each side)

Categories: WOD

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