CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jump Rope 2 Minutes
Then with Single DB, 2 Rounds:
10 RDL each Side
10 Goblet Lunges
5 Half Kneeling Press Each
5 High Pull Each Side
Snatch (2 Second Pause Below the Knee 5×3)
Athletes May Increase, Clock E2:30
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
15 Minutes, as far as possible
1 Mile Run
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
25 TTB
20 Wall Balls
20 TTB
15 Wall Balls
15 TTB
10 Wall Balls
10 TTB
5 Wall Balls
10 Wall Balls
10 TTB
15 Wall Balls
15 TTB
Score total completed number of reps after Run
6 Week Challenge Grad Notes
Mobility work/Leg Flush instead of Snatch
Below Metcon instead of full.
Foam Roll 10 Minutes, then Bike in remainder of time
Metcon (Time)
400m Run or 200m Walk
20 Wall Balls, 20 Situps
200m Run
15 Wall Balls, 15 Situps
100m Run
10 Wall Balls, 10 Situps