WEDNESDAY July 30, 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Purple Band Warm Up.

Then, 2 Rounds:

10 Kip Swings

10 Hollow Rocks

3 Strict Pullups


Pullup + C2B + BMU Complex (E2M x 6: 3 PU + 2 C2B + 1 BMU -Goal unbroken sets)

3 Pullups +2 Chest to Bar Pullups +1 Bar Muscle Up

*Continue to add a rep per round if successful.

*Scaled: Either Omit BMU or E2M: 5 Kip Swings, 1 Kipping Pullup or attempt, 1 Negative, 10 hollow Rocks


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For time, Rest 2 Min after Each Round:

Run 400m


15 Push Ups

Categories: WOD

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