CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Ankle/Calf Foam Roller Warm Up then:
Hinshaw Runners Warm Up (No Measure)
high-knee karaoke, over the hurdle, knee to chest, figure four, Sampson Stretch, torso twist, toe touch, high knees, butt kicks, straight leg, sidestep and sidestep jumping jack, toes-out walk, toes-in walk, walk on heels, walk on toes, walk on outside of foot, walk on inside of foot
Then: Bar Warm Up (Scap Pulls, Kip Swings, etc.)
Conditioning Test -Row/Run/DU (3 Rounds for time)
3 Rounds, each for time, rest 3 Minutes after each:
500m Row
600m Run
50 Double Unders
**Use 600m loop around block as Rx.
Muscle Up/Pullup Test (3 Rounds for reps)
Athlete choice on Strict ring or Kipping Ring Muscle ups, Bar Muscle Ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Chin over bar Pull-ups:
1 Min Max reps
*1 Min off
45 Seconds Max Reps
*45 Seconds off
30 seconds Max Reps
**Note Type of Movement done in Comments. Do not click Rx only if a scaled version of the above movements were performed
*Round 1 = 1 Min
Round 2= 45 Seconds
Round 3=30 Seconds