WEDNESDAY April 17. 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


DB Warm Up (No Measure)


10 Single Leg RDL each

5 DB half kneeling press each (hold db in opposite hand than forward knee)

10 DB High Pull Each arm

10 Lateral Lunges holding DB

10 Calories of choice


Shoulder Press (3×8 E2:15 @70%)

Single Arm Overhead Carry (2x 50ft Each Arm KB Cross Body Carry)

(one arm overhead w/weight, other arm farmer carry)

Go HEAVY but allowing for proper form


Metcon (Time)

20 Cal Ski, Row or Bike

10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65

20 Cal Ski, Row or Bike

10 Shoulder to Overhead 125/85

20 Cal Ski, Row or Bike

10 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105
Rx+ weights 135/95, 165/115, 195/135

Categories: WOD

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