CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


HFWU (No Measure)

Every 15 seconds for 3 minutes, alternate between these movements:

Jumping Jacks

Air Squats

Mountain Climbers

Squat Jumps

Then, Every 15 seconds for 2 minutes, alternate between these movements:

Front Plank

Superman Hold

Hollow Hold

Back Plank/Tabletop


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

Complete for max reps/calories for each movement:

60 Sec on, 1:00 off

40 Sec on, 1:20 Rest

20 Sec on, 1:40 off

Movements: Row, Bike, Ski, Burpees
*1x through at same station before rotating to the next movement.

**Record score after each movement

Tabata Tuesday!

Tabata #1:

20 Second Hollow Hold

10 Second Arch Hold during “rest”


Coach’s choice

Categories: WOD

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