CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
With 2.5/5# plates, I’s, Y’s, T’s, W’s x10e Then
Banded Laying Hamstring Stretch 30 sec Each position,
Banded Hip mobility 30 Sec Each Side,
Banded Lat Mobility 30 Sec Each Side
Handstand Push-ups (Strict Progressions)
***Option 1: (Goal 10 regular Pushups)
3 sets:10 Seated DB Press
2 Wall Walks (10 Second Pause at top)
30 Second Hollow Hold
***Option 2: Goal 1 Strict HSPU
3×5 toes on box pike push ups
2 x 8-12 decline push ups
2 x 8-12 Seated dumbbell presses
***Option 3: Goal 10 Strict HSPU
10 Min EMOM: 1-4 strict HSPU
*** Option 4: Goal Increased Capacity/Deficit Strict
10 Min EMOM: Add deficit or Reps to Option 4. Add Max Effort Set Kipping after Minute 10.
Metcon (Distance)
15 Second Transitions
Ski 3 Minutes
Bike 3 Minutes
Row 3 Minutes
Run 400m in 3 Minutes
For Total Meters
Mark time for 400m Run. Add 1m per second left.
6 Week Challenge Grad Notes
Scale Modify for Injuries as necessary
Cash Out
Coaches Choice Tabata