TUESDAY May 1, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

400m run

High Hips Bear Crawl 50ft

Crab Walk 25ft

Lateral Plank Crawl 25ft each way

Inchworm to Pushup 25ft

20 foot pedals each side


Shoulder mob coach’s choice


Handstand Push-ups (Option 1 or Option 2)


Strict work:

-Option 1: No HSPU to 3 Strict – 10×1 Negatives (slow decent) – to a deficit if control is maintained. Then 5×5 Pike or Box Pike HSPU

-Option 2: 5×2-5 dead stop strict HSPU

then 3×5 kipping – to a deficit if easy


Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds

Run 200m

15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

9 Pullups

Rest 1 minute after each round

Categories: WOD

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