CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
30 Jumping Jacks then
5 each x 2:
– Lunge Elbow drop w/OH reach
– 4 point Squat
– Push-Up to Downward Dog
– Squat hold w/one arm overhead reach
– Rock back Split n Reach 3 ways
– Scorpion
– Pendulums
– Mountain Climbers
Deadlift (5×6 90 Second rest after each – Same weight across)
Aim to add 5-20lbs to 2.18.19
Start each sprint 5 minutes apart:
(example: at the 0:00, begin the ski, at the 5:00, begin the bike, at the 10:00, begin the Row.
500m Ski (Time)
Max Effort sprint – 500m Ski for time
1km Bike for time (Time)
Max Effort 1km Bike for time.
**Check prior to going that your bike is in km and NOT in Miles
500m Row (Time)
Max Effort 500m Row