TUESDAY April 10, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Start at Garage door side Each Round

8 Minute AMRAP

1 length High Hip Dynamic Bear Crawl

8 Wall Facing Squats

5 Walking Samson Stretch Each Leg

Monster Walk

30 Second HS Hold


Increase weight each round if possible. Focus on touch n go reps. 15 minute Clock

Shoulder Press (5-5-5)

Push Press (5-5-5)

Push Jerk (5-5-5)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

6 Minute AMRAP


10 TNG Power Clean (Athlete Choice weight)

25 Double Unders
**Unbroken Reps on everything. Choose weight wisely, choose scales for DU’s and HSPU Wisely. Mark weight used in notes

Categories: WOD

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