CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)

20 Passthroughs, then accumulate 2 minutes plank, then:

10 Bird Dogs Each Side

10 Fire Hydrants Each Side

10 Pendulums Each Side

5 Scorpions Each Side


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16 Minute AMRAP

20 Air Squats

10 Dumbbell Push Press

10 KB Sumo Deadlifts

3 Rope Getups or 10 Ring Rows

Cash Out

Metcon (Calories)

Teams of 4 Accumulate Max Calories in 6 Minutes
Teams will be assigned one rower, one bike, and one ski erg. They may use all 3 machines, 3 people may work at a time.

Categories: WOD

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