THURSDAY Velocity!

CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)

Foam Roll Upper Back And Lats

Banded Passthroughs, Banded Pullaparts, Overhead Squats with Band, Banded Good Mornings, Banded Shoulder Press


20 Second Hollow Hold, 5 second transition, 20 second Superman hold


Bent Over Row (4×10)

Alternate with Dumbbell Press

Single Arm Dumbell Press (3×10, increasing)

Finding a heavy set of 10 on each side. If the weight differs left to right, mark in comments. If athlete only gets 8 on one side, mark in score.


Metcon (Weight)


60ft overhead carry left arm

60ft overhead carry right arm

6 Rounds:

10 Situps

10 Box Jumps

60ft overhead carry left arm

60ft overhead carry right arm

Categories: WOD

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