CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
High Hips Bear Crawl Forward
High Hips Bear Crawl Backward
Inchworm Walk out to pushup
Walking Single Leg hinge and toe touch
Monster Walks
Lateral Plank Walk left
Lateral Plank Walk Right
5 low kick Handstand kick ups (away from wall)
2×30 second HS Hold on wall
T-Spine Opening Mobility
Handstand Walk (EMOM x 10)
**HS Walkers: 5ft first min, 10ft 2nd, 15ft 3rd, etc. Go back down if you don’t make it the required feet in that minute.
**Almost there: Min 1: Shoulder taps on wall, Min 2: Kick up and walk into wall practice
**Just learning: Min 1: Handstand Kick up practice, Min 2: Pike on box, Walking around the box
Metcon (Calories)
1 Wall Walk
2 High Box Jumps
30ft Double KB or DB Overhead Carry (16kg/12kg)
30 Second Bike, Row or Ski Sprint
Rest as needed
6 Rounds for quality