THURSDAY August 29, 2019

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Banded Shoulder Stretch 1 min per side. Then PVC Warm Up

PVC Warm Up (No Measure)

With a weighted PVC or PVC

10 Pass Throughs

5 Around the World Each side

10 Back Squats

10 Twists each direction

10 Good Morning

10 Leg Swings Each Way

10 Reach down and Ups
Then, HSPU Warm Up


Handstand Push-ups (E2M x 6: 3-7 Strict HSPU + 2-5 False Grip Ring Row)

E2M x 6:

Int 1: 3-7 Strict HSPU(May be deficit/Parallette) + 2-5 False Grip Ring Pullups

To Scale: 3-7 Strict Double KB Press from Tall Kneeling Postion + 3-5 False Grip Ring Rows



Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

30 Double Unders

15 Pushups

10 Double KB Push Jerks (24/16kg)

Categories: WOD

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