CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
3 (No Measure)
50 Jump Rope
6 Forward Lunge with elbow drop each side
8 Side Lying Open Book Mobility
50 Jump Rope
10 Pushup to Pike
8 Lateral Lunge Each Side
50 Jumps
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
24 Min EMOM:
Min 1: 30 Doubles or 60 Singles
Min 2: 30 Second Overhead Hold
Min 3: 12 Dips
Min 4: 40 Seconds Dead Bug
Min 5: 30 Seconds Ball to Shoulder
Min 6: 12 Toes to Rings
Cash Out
Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift (5×5 Each Side)
Plank Hold 40 Seconds after each Set