SATURDAY June 30, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


T-Spine opener/shoulder prep (No Measure)

30 Jumping Jacks

3 1-arm reach overhead while holding bottom of squat

5 Forward Lunge with OH Reach each side

10 Kneeling T-Spine Diagonals Each

15 Band Pull Aparts

10 Band Shoulder Press

15 Band RDL

10 Pushups

6 Squat Jumps


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2 Rounds of each, 2 Minutes at each station, 1 Minute Rest after each:

Station 1: AMRAP 5 PullUps, 5 Pushups(Counts as 1 “rep” per round)

Station 2: Bike for Calories

Station 3: AMRAP Rope Climbs

Station 4: AMRAP Power Cleans (185/125)
-Score is total Reps

-Athletes may start at different stations

-Rotate in order

Categories: WOD

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