SATURDAY December 1, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Half Turkish Getups Each Side

5 Single arm KB Front Squats Each

5 Press Each

5 Thrusters Each

10 Russian twists Each Side

x8 minute AMRAP


Turkish Get Up (Skill work, then build to a heavy on each side)


Death By Fran (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Min 1: 1 Thruster (95/65#), 1 Pull-up

Min 2: 2 Thrusters, 2 Pull-ups

Min 3: 3 Thrusters, 3 Pull-ups
Continue adding one rep of each OTM until athlete can no longer complete that minute. Score is last completed round plus additional reps during the next round.

Categories: WOD

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