MONDAY Velocity – Day 1 of the Challenge!

CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)


3 minute Ski or Bike

20 Goblet Squats

20 KB Swings

10 inchworm to pushup

10 Leg Swings each leg

6 Week Challenge:

Rowing technique work 5 Minutes

Air Squat



Back Squat (3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%)

Alternate Each set with 5 strict pullups or challenging ring rows

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3×5 Squat

3×5 Ring Row

More advanced, Goblet squat & Strict Pull-up


Baseline Tester (Time)

Row: 500m

40 Air Squats

30 Sit Ups

20 Pushups

10 Pullups

500m Row

40 Partial Squats

30 Russian Twists (10lb Plate) 20 Elevated Push-ups (hands on box)

10 Ring Rows

Record times for graduation day

Categories: WOD

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