CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


HFWU (No Measure)

Every 15 seconds for 3 minutes, alternate between these movements:

Jumping Jacks

Air Squats

Mountain Climbers

Squat Jumps

Then, Every 15 seconds for 2 minutes, alternate between these movements:

Front Plank

Superman Hold

Hollow Hold

Back Plank/Tabletop


Good Mornings (3×6-8 Reps -Banded or weighted barbell)

Lateral Box Step Ups (3×6 Each Leg)

*May increase Weight

* 2-3 second descent

*Alternate with Other Movements

Shoot Throughs (3×8-12 Reps)

Parallettes or small boxes


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

-6 minute AMRAP:

Row 12/9 Calories

10 Hand Release Pushups

*Rest 2 Minutes*

-6 Min AMRAP

Bike 12/9 Calories

15 Air Squats

*Rest 2 Minutes*

-6 Minute AMRAP

Ski 12/9 Calories

20 Situps
*If more than 12 athletes, 200m Run or 50 Jump Rope may be substituted for Bike or Ski

**Score is total reps from all 3 AMRAPs

Categories: WOD

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