CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY

Warm up

Warm Up #7 (No Measure)

2 Rounds or 6 Minutes

10 Air Squats

5 lunges each leg with a twist

10 Alternating Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

10 Downward Dog to Pushup

6-8 Leg Raises with Hands on Stantion


Rotate through exerciese, increase weight each round, 15 minutes to complete.

Back Rack Lunge (4×4 reverse step lunge each leg)

Good Mornings (4×6)

Banded knee Good Mornings (w/Barbell/weight in back rack)

Weighted Sit-ups (4×15)


Metcon (4 Rounds for calories)

4x for Max Calories

3 Minute AMRAP:

25 Air Squats

Farmer Carry 50m (2 KBs or DBs)

Max Calorie Row, Bike or Ski in remainder

Rest 1 Minute

Categories: WOD

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