CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Warm-up (No Measure)
3x of each: 30 Seconds on, 15 Second Transition:
Jump Squats
Spiderman Lunge
Single Leg RDL (4×6 each leg)
DB or KB
Weighted Step-ups (Lateral Step 4×6 Each Leg)
Shoot Throughs (4×8-12)
Metcon (Time)
-3 Rounds:
Row 250m
5 Burpees over Rower
*Rest 1 Minute*
-3 Rounds
Bike 12/9 Calories
10 Pushups
*Rest 1 Minute*
-1 Round
Row 250m
5 Burpees over Rower
Bike 12/9 Calories
10 Pushups
To Modify – 2 rounds each of first two parts of workout
Cash Out
Coach’s choice abs