CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)

6 Min 40 Sec on, 20 sec transition:

Int 1: Row, Ski or Bike

Int 2: Alternating Sampson Stretch

Int 3: AMRAP 5 Pushups, 5 Air Squats


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP:

5 KB Push Jerks Each arm

10 Goblet Squats

15 Russian KB Swings

Row, Ski or Bike 20 Calories

Metcon (Time)

Rest 2 Minutes, then 1 Round of above for time


3x of each, rotating through each exercise

Bulgarian Split Squat (8-10 reps each leg -DBs each hand)

1- Arm Shoulder Press (KB/DB) (10 Reps each Arm)

Max Time L-Sit Hold (Time)

Mark how the L-Sit was performed in notes

Categories: WOD

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