MONDAY May 7, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Couch Stretch 1 Minute Each Side

Run 400m

5 DB RDL Each leg

5 DB High Pull Each Arm

5 DB Front Squat (right front rack)

5 DB Front Squat (Left front rack)

Run 200m

5 DB RDL Each leg

5 DB High Pull Each Arm

5 DB Front Squat (right front rack)

5 DB Front Squat (Left front rack)


Back Squat (Tempo 5×3 at 32X1)

In Tempo training, the first number in 32X1 (the 3) the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.

The second number (2) means any pause at the midpoint.

The third number (X) is the concentric, or lifting, component and if it is an X it means explode.

Finally, the fourth number (1) means any pause at the top.


Metcon (Time)

For time, descending ladder of 10 reps down to 1 rep of:

Power Snatch (95/65) Rx+ 115/85

Lateral Burpees over Bar

Push-ups (Accumulate 75 reps (50 for beginner/intermediate))

Cash Out

Categories: WOD