CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Purple Band Shoulder Activation in Rig
Single arm KB Overhead Carry 50ft Each
5 KB High Pull Each Side
5 Goblet Squat
5 KB Press Each Side
5 Overhead Squat Each Side
5 Single Leg RDL Each Side
Snatch Warm Up (No Measure)
w/barbell (or PVC for beginner athletes):
10 Bent Over Row
10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 High Pulls
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
5 Behind the Neck Press
5 Snatch Balance (1/4 Squat Catch)
5 Snatch Drops
5 Sotts Press
Snatch (1 Rep Max, Power or Squat – athlete choice)
One lift every 2 minutes for 9 rounds. Warm up then start clock with 1@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, then just under previous max, then just over previous max then keep increasing if you can.
Power Snatch (If Power snatch, record here)
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
Every 5 Minutes for 3 rounds, each for time:
Round 1: Row 30/25 Calories – 10 Strict Pullups
Round 2: Ski 30/25 Calories – 15 Push-ups
Round 3: Bike 30/25 Calories – 30 Air Squats
Intermediate: 25/20 Cals, Beginner 20/15 Cals