CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Glutes and Shoulders (No Measure)
Mini Band on Ankles
– Mini-Band Side Step x15 each foot
– Plate Wheel Rotations x10 each way
– Mini-Band Forward Diagonal Step x15 each foot
– Plate ABC’s
– Mini-Band Backward Diagonal Step
x15 each foot
– Wall Press x10
Front Squat (Front Squat 5×4)
+ Heavy Band Row 4×12
Build from ~75%-85% during working sets Clock E2:15
Metcon (Time)
Power Snatch (50% of Actual Snatch Max)
Wall Balls (20/14 to 10′)
* 1 rope climb or 6 Ring Rows/Chin Ups in between each round (4 rope climbs total)
Rx+ 30/20 to 10′, legless Rope Climb
Scale with Power Cleans