CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row/Bike/Ski 2 Minutes
Hook Green band on pullup bar
2x 30sec Each side
1) “Elbow in” Shoulder Stretch
2) Banded Lat Stretch
Hook band at hip height
60 seconds each side
1) Banded Hamstring Stretch
2) Banded Samson Stretch
Single Arm Farmer’s Carry (3x 25ft each arm – Heavy Kettlebell)
Alternate Farmer Carry set with
3×8 Pushups – Deficit/weighted if necessary
3×15-30 second Plank Hold
Metcon (Time)
20 Box Step Ups (w/weight if possible)
20 Russian KB Swings
300m Row/Ski
Rest 2 Minutes
20 Box Step Ups (w/weight if possible)
20 Russian KB Swings
300m Row/Ski
Each round to be done with intensity. Find a box height/weight that is appropriate to continue moving.