CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
9 Months till Delivery (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9 Month (Minute) AMRAP (with a partner):
9 MedBall Burp(the bab)ee Box Step Overs each (while partner holds other medball)
9 Synchro Medball Situps
9 Medball Squats Each (while partner holds ball on knees in a wall sit)
**Every time the ball drops both partners owe 10 Hops over the ball
40 Weeks (Time)
For Time with a partner (break up as needed. One partner must be holding the medball):
40 PullUps or ring rows
400ft Shuttle Run to the Delivery Room
40 Double Kettlebell Suitcase/Baby Bag Deadlifts (32/24kg)
400ft Farmer Carry (32/24kg)
Rx+ With a weight vest throughout