CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Red band shoulder prep (No Measure)
Banded Pullaparts Overhead
Banded pullaparts to chest
Banded pass throughs
Banded strict Press
Banded lat side stretch
Back Squat (Wendler Week 2 – 3-3-3+)
From 90% of 1RM:
3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%
(if you did not complete this last week, go to 5, 5, 5+ at 65, 75,85%)
Class may chose to do class wod or 18.2. if doing 18.2, Our velocity classes will NOT have 18.2 part A. Only the first part will be programmed
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min Amrap
5 pushups
10 weighted Sit-ups
15 KB Swings
Crossfit Games Open 18.2 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats 50/35 lb
Bar-facing burpees
-12 minute time cap
– If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a
– If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap
Crossfit Games Open 18.2 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats 35/20 lb
Bar-facing burpees (stepping burpees allowed)
-12 minute time cap
– If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a
– If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap
Crossfit Games Open 18.2 Scaled Masters (55+) (Time)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats 20/10 lb
Bar-facing burpees (jump over empty barbell, stepping burpees allowed)
-12 minute time cap
– If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a
– If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap