CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Hinshaw Runners Warm Up (No Measure)

high-knee karaoke, over the hurdle, knee to chest, figure four, Sampson Stretch, torso twist, toe touch, high knees, butt kicks, straight leg, sidestep and sidestep jumping jack, toes-out walk, toes-in walk, walk on heels, walk on toes, walk on outside of foot, walk on inside of foot


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Min AMRAP

200m Run

20 Russian KB Swings

20 Russian Twists

Metcon (Time)

Rest 3 Minutes

1 Round for Time:

Med Ball Run 200m

20 V-Ups

20 Burpees

Cash Out

Metcon (No Measure)

10 Minute Outside

Option 1: Run

Option 2: Sled Drags/Pushes

Categories: WOD

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