CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Warm-up (No Measure)
Medball Partner Warm Up
10x each
Wall Ball squat n toss to partner
Lateral toss to partner
One foot chest pass to partner
Partner Situps
Metcon (Time)
Complete in any order and break up any way:
1000m Ski
1000m Row
3k Bike
100 Wallballs
100 Situps
30 Min Cap
PullUp Skills (AMRAP – Rounds)
Pull-Up Skill Work
8 Minute EMOM
1 – 30 Second Bar Hang
2 – :30 Arch Hold
3 – 10 Ring Row or 5 Strict Pullups or 3 Negatives (7-10 second decent)
4- 12 Banded Face Pulls