CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Single Arm DB Warm Up (No Measure)

8 Single Leg RDL each

8 DB half kneeling press each (hold db in opposite hand than forward knee)

8 Lateral Lunges holding DB

80 ft Overhead Carry each


Deadlift (5RM)

Build to a 5RM in 20 minutes. Plank hold 30 seconds after each set. Rest 2 minutes after each working set


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

6 Minute AMRAP

3,6,9,12, etc

Pullups, DB Push Press, Russian Twist (each side)

Rest 2 Minutes

Metcon (Time)

9, 6, 3 for time

Pullups, DB Push Press, Russian Twist (each side)

Categories: WOD

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