CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Bear Crawl Warm-up (No Measure)
Forward Bear Crawl
Backward Bear Crawl
Forward Lunge with Elbow Drop
Backward Lunge Rainbow Reach
Shuffle Down & Back
Side Lunge & Twist
1 Leg RDL Walk
Bear Crawl Warm-up (No Measure)
Forward Bear Crawl
Backward Bear Crawl
Forward Lunge with Elbow Drop
Backward Lunge Rainbow Reach
Shuffle Down & Back
Side Lunge & Twist
1 Leg RDL Walk
Tall Kneeling KB Press (4×10)
Strength/Core Superset
Tall Kneeling KB Press (4×10)
50m Sled Pull (4 sets, building as heavy as possible)
50m Sled Pull (4 sets, building as heavy as possible)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Cherry Pickers
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Cherry Pickers
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 Minute AMRAP
Farmer Carry 50m (KBs)
Max Reps Wall Balls in Remainder
Rest 1 minute