CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
10 Fire Hydrants Each Side
10 Arch Rock
10 Hollow Rocks
R1:10 Ring Scap Pullups/R:2 10 Small Kip Swings on Rings/R3: 10 Big Kips or Hips to Rings
Deadlift (Build to a Heavy but perfect set of 5 in ~5 sets)
Then drop to 75% of that number and hit 1 set of 10 reps.
20 Minutes on the clock.
Deadlift (1×10 @75% of heavy 5)
Metcon (Time)
Row 500m
15 Ring Muscle Ups
Ski 500m or Bike 1.2km
12 Minute Time Cap
2x Dips as scale