CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Tabata style
12 intervals, rotate through:
Hops to plate (15#)
Feet together Gymnastics squats
Scap Pullups/Kip swings.
Then Coach Led Full Snatch Warm Up
Interval 1: 2 Snatch (full from Ground – may drop in between)
Interval 2: Kipping or Butterfly Pullups or progression
Alternate Movements E:90 x 10 intervals (5 of each)
Athletes may build on Snatch. Stay consistent on Pullup Reps
Snatch (2 Snatch every other interval)
Pull-ups (Every other Interval)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Min AMRAP, Rest 90 Seconds x 3 Rounds:
12 Alternating Pistols
9 Hang Power Cleans (60% of Max)
Note Weight in comments