CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY
Sign up for classes. Some things they can do if they arrive early (mobilize, ride the bike/rower).
Warm-up (No Measure)
Intro to PVC Warm Up, then: 4 Rounds
1x Tabata Banded Face Pulls
1x Tabata Plank Hold
(4 minutes total)
right into
4 Rounds
1x Tabata Sit-up
1x Tabata flutter kick
(another 4:00)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4x 30/30 at each station.
Perform 30 seconds work followed by 30 seconds rest at each movement. Complete all 4 sets before advancing to the next movement. Athletes can start on any movement and just rotate through in the same order.
A. Ski Erg
B. Air Squat
C. KB Swing
D. Rowing
E. Box Push-up
F. Ring Row
24 minutes total time
Cool Down
Warm-up (No Measure)
Last Day of the WEEK! How’s the Nutrition going?
What has been working, what is hard? Are you hungry? How to survive weekend