CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit
“12 Days of CrossFit” (Time)
“12 Days of CrossFit”
1 Power Snatch (115/75 Rx+155/105)
2 Ring Dips (Muscle Ups Rx+)
3 Shoulder to Overhead
4 PullUps (C2B Rx+)
5 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Hand-Release Pushups
7 Deadlifts
8 Sit-Ups (GHD Sit-Ups Rx+)
9 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg)
10ft Rope Climb (20ft men’s Rx & Rx+)
11 Wall Balls (20/14)
12 Oz. Beer! Or 12 Cal Assault Bike!
Done like the song….1 Power snatch, then 2 dips, 1 power snatch, then 3 S2O, 2 Dips, 1 Power Snatch, etc….last round does the whole list from 12-1.